Who was the son of Roth Elis Andy?

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By Tahalka News

Claire Andrea “Andrey” Nelson, son of Roth Ellis – was the last woman to hang in England.

His mother’s crime and shocking execution is dramatic in the ITV LOVE A Cruel Love: The Ruth Elis Story.


Ruth Ellis David Blackley was killed in 1955Credit: Corbis – Getti
A group containing one image, 1 image shows a black and white image of a woman who reads a child


Elis Andy gave birth to in 1944Credit: Collection
A combined image contains one image, the image 1 appears to be Judge Cecil, whose arrival in the Supreme Court


Cecil Havir Andy’s support during his lifeCredit: Getty Images

Andy’s early life

Andy was born on September 15, 1944, in Camberland.

Elis’s son and Canadian soldier, Claire Andrea McClicom, who was married to another woman.

Andy often lived with his grandmother as a child, while Ruth has made different jobs to support him.

His father stopped sending the money only one year of his birth.

The shocking crime of Elice

Elis finally started working as a nightclub manager in Knightsbridge, London, while he was also working as an accompaniment.

She had a daughter with an absolute dentist named George Johnston Ellis, with whom she gave birth to Georgina in 1951.

Their relationship was very turbulent, because George was a violent and owned man.

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Elis started dating David Blackley, a race driver who was violent towards her.

In a terrifying incident, David’s abuse caused Ruth to be invaded in 1955.

On Easter on Sunday in the same year, she used a weapon, allegedly gave her lover Dismond Cosen, to shoot David Mit on the street.

After handing her over to the police, Elis acknowledged that she was guilty of her crime despite the efforts of her lawyer John Beckford.

Judge Cecil has appealed to the Minister of the Interior to show Ruth Mercy, but his request was rejected.

Elis was sentenced to death after the jury took only twenty minutes to condemn it.

The last woman in England became a hanging, after her death, she sparked a wave of protests, which led to the abolition of the death penalty in 1969.

Life after the execution of Ruth

Andy was only 10 years old when his mother was executed on July 13, 1955.

After Elis’s death, Andy was registered as a party at St. Michael College in Hitchin.

He was registered under Andrew Hornbi, using his grandfather’s title to maintain his identity.

A friend, Brian Jacobs, summoned Andy’s meeting at school.

He said: A absolute package of nerves. He had two names.

“Double Oh” because of his coat-cornea, trains.

“This was what we usually called.”

“But because of his peculiarities and love to collect stamps, who had an absolute passion for him, he was sometimes referred to, although he was unprecedented, such as” philatelist with the perforated brain. “

Andy’s tragic death

Improved, Andy took his private life in 1982.

He was found in a bed, shortly after desecration of his mother’s grave.

Andy was financially supported by Judge Cecil Haverez and Prosecutor, Christmas Humphrez, paid the funeral of Andy.

Harsh love

In the ITV A Cruel Love: The Ruth Elis Story, played by Sidney Jackson played.

The series follows the story of Ruth and takes viewers during the journey that led to its crime and implementation.

Viewers can see the show on ITVX, where the full series of broadcasting is available.

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