“Exceptional” or two, 28, with stomach pain died after the hospital staff failed to discover that she was exposed to Intean

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By Tahalka News

When my “beloved” mom was accepted in A& E with severe stomach pain, the paramedics believed that she had water or infection in the pelvis.

But they did not consider it to have blood rot – despite the fact that it had signs of the condition, including high heart rate and low functional ability.


When Sharzia Bibi was accepted in A & E with stomach pain, the paramedics believed that it had water or pelvic infectionCredit: Swns
A picture of two young couple.


But doctors missed symptoms of poisoning -high heart rate and low functional abilityCredit: Swns

Sharzia died after doctors failed to give her antibiotics to treat life -threatening condition.

Her family now talked about her devastating death for the first time.

Sharzia was accepted in A& E at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester after a complaint of severe stomach pain and bleeding.

But the paramedic doctors did not consider my tears.

It was assumed that two or two oral antibiotics were given but did not receive them for nine hours, and when she did so, it was not suitable for her incorrect diagnosis.

It should have been monitored every four hours, but the hospital staff did not live for more than nine hours.

However, after concerns about her condition, Sharzia underwent emergency surgery – as it was then diagnosed with integrity – then it was transferred to intensive care and placed on intravenous antibiotics.

Charzia then suffered from the arrest of the heart and died in November 2023.

Her husband Hassan, 30, says that there is “no indication” that his wife is about blood rot when she was in the hospital.

He said: “When I took Sharzia to the hospital, she was suffering from severe pain, but I did not get any indication of announcing.

I thought I had a winter cold and then woke up from a coma about to lose my legs

“The effect of her death on our family was massive.

Charzia was an exceptional wife, mother and daughter.

“Our life has changed forever from the moment it took from us very early.

As a young family we had a lot of hopes and dreams future We will never get the fulfillment. “

He left Hassan to bring the sons of the spouses, Sobhan, four, Abbas, and the two, and he says that the three “will never overcome” the death of Charzia.

He added that he wants to shed light on what happened, so other families do not have to pass the same thing.

I don’t think we will undergo a loss of Sharzia the way we did

Hassan Bibi

“As one father, I take care of children and I am concerned about their future,” said Hassan, from Levincholmi, Greater Manchester.

“I don’t think we will undergo a loss of Sharzia the way we did.

“It is difficult not to feel angry because I lost my beautiful wife and that children lost their amazing mummy.

“I will always make sure that children will know about their mother, the extent of their love for them, and their pride in them, but this is not the same as its presence in their lives.

“It is too late for Sharzia, but by talking about it, I hope we can highlight the cost of human cases of care issues so that others do not have to pass with what we have.

“I don’t hope that our family will continue to try it on anyone.”

Who gets blood rot and what causes it?

Separation can affect anyone. The condition occurs when the immune system in the body is excessive in the infection.

As a result, the body attacks itself.

Some people are more likely to get an infection that can lead to blood rot.

This includes children under the age of one, or persons over 75 years old, people with diabetes or a weak immune system (either because of treatment, condition or genetically), and people who have undergone surgery or have been recently.

Any infection can lead to blood rot. But these are likely to be:

  • The lungs, such as pneumonia.
  • Kidney, bladder and other parts of the urinary system
  • Digestive
  • Bloodstream
  • Cathest sites
  • Wounds or burns

After the death of Sharzia, her family has instructed the IRW MITHELL expert negligence lawyers to investigate and secure answers.

NHS University University University, which runs Wythenshawe Hospital, has been responsible for the death of Sharzia in a civil claim made by Irwin Mitchell.

They admitted that if that was not because of the failures in care, the balance of possibilities, Charzia would not have died when it did.

A separate investigation was concluded in the death of Charzia in the Manchester Coroner Court that Sharzia had died due to “neglect” after “total failures” in its care.

Criminal Investigative Judge James Leicester-Ashworth recorded a narrative conclusion on Tuesday (March 18), where he made six results on the total failure of the Sharzia sponsorship that reached its neglect.

Her father, Khaled Suhaid, 55, says it is difficult to believe that his “beloved daughter” will remain alive if “she got the care she deserves.”

It is difficult not to believe that Sharzia will remain alive if it had obtained the care it deserves

Khaled Sayed

He said: “Sharzia was my beloved daughter and will be expensive.

“She left behind two beautiful boys between two and four years old in addition to her destructive husband.

“For me as a father, this is beyond words.

The results of the pathologist explain that Sharzia did not get the basic medical care that she needed very much.

“Confidence has failed again and again and in many ways.

“It is difficult to believe that Sharzia will remain alive if she had obtained the care it deserves.”

Or carry her child.


Charzia suffered from the arrest of the heart and died in November 2023, leaving her husband and two sonsCredit: Swns
A woman in the pink shawl at the airport.


NHS TRUST, who runs the hospital, is recognized by Sharzia responsible for her deathCredit: Swns
A picture of a man and a woman standing together.


Lawyers working in her case said that her death is a flagrant reminder of the risks of sepsis, the extent of early detection and treatment is the key to overcoming it.Credit: Swns

Speaking after the investigation, Sarah Charpeels, a specialist medical negligence lawyer, said: “This is a truly tragic case that left the Charzia family destroyed.

“It is understood that her loved ones have a number of questions about the care of Sharzia and whether it should be more to help it.

“Our legal investigations, which led to the recognition of responsibility in a civil claim, and the investigation that concluded that Al -Barazia died of neglect, has led to the validity of these concerns with sadness.

“Nothing can compensate for what happened, but we urge confidence to think in this case and ensure the support of patients at all times so that other families do not have to withstand a similar shock.

“Sharzia’s death is a flagrant reminder of the risks of sepsis, the extent of early detection and treatment is the key to overcoming it.”

“We want once again to expand our condolences and sincere sympathy for the family of Mrs. Bibi at this very difficult time,” said a spokesman for the University of Manchester.

“I conducted a comprehensive confidence investigation In the circumstances surrounding Mrs. Bibi’s sad death, we apologize that our care was less than the high standards that we aspire to.

“We are committed to providing the best possible care for our patients.

“We will carefully review the criminal investigative judge to ensure more learning for confidence and apply it to our ongoing efforts to improve patients’ safety and the quality of care and experience.”

What are the symptoms of poisoning?

Blood rot is a life -threatening reaction to the infection that occurs when your immune system exaggerates and begins to damage the tissues and organs of your body.

Symptoms of poisoning include an adult:

  • He behaves in confusion or a diagonal or meaningless speech
  • Blue, gray, pale, bush, lips, or tongue – on brown or black skin, it may be easier to see the comfort of a hand or the soles of the feet
  • A rash does not fade when a cup roll over it, such as meningitis
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or breathing very quickly

Symptoms in the child include:

  • Blue, gray, pale, bush, lips, or tongue – on brown or black skin, it may be easier to see the comfort of a hand or the soles of the feet
  • A rash does not fade when a cup roll over it, such as meningitis
  • Difficulty breathing (you may notice snoring noise, stomach absorption under the rib cage), or shortness of breath or breathing very quickly
  • A weak and high -tone cry is not similar to their regular cry
  • Do not respond as they usually do, or do not care about normal nutrition
  • To be asleep from the usual or have difficulty waking up

They may not have all these symptoms.

If you think you or someone else has symptoms of blood rot, call 999 or go to A & E.

source: NHS

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