Monday, February 17: A historic week begins from Eastenders
It is the fortieth anniversary of the show.
Monday, February 17: The show presidents celebrate, by the way, in an amazing style

The fire and the explosion will be accused of the Queen in you this week.
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Monday, February 17: All the beloved characters all participate

You will collide huge stories.
Monday, February 17: There is a tragedy in the future

Not everyone will make it alive. Who are you more worried?
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Monday, February 17: Sendi on a mission

She is still designed as she was always to find out who attacked her on Christmas Day.
Monday, February 17: Cindy plans

She wants to reveal the attacker.
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Monday, February 17: Cindy held a meeting in the cafe

Monday, February 17: Berra Al -Wahi participates with Cindy

Could this affect the theories of Cindy constantly?
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Monday, February 17: Sindi was shaken

Monday, February 17: Ian comes to the cafe

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Monday, February 17: Tensions rise

Ian and Sindi Clash again.
Monday, February 17: Ian is arrogant

The learned between him and Cindy continues.
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Monday, February 17: The row continues

Peter and Cathy are anxiously watched.
Monday, February 17: Sindy is angry

She is determined to confront the person suspected of attacking.
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Monday, February 17: The wedding ceremony

Billy is waiting for honey.
Monday, February 17: Billy will support

The father and the son shared in an impressive moment.
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Monday, February 17: Honey arrives

She walks in the corridor.
Monday, 17 February: Honey is in high spirits

She looks forward to a happy future with Billy.
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Monday, February 17: The ceremony is revealed

Honey and Billy exchange their promises.
Monday, February 17: Today it will not be a smooth sailing

Cindy’s anger has an effect on the wedding.
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