infection Spoilers follow.
Next week on infectionNicole reaches her breaking point and takes drastic action, while Sofia receives life-changing news for Dylan and Indi struggles with her professional and home lives.
Read on for more details on these backstories, in our roundup of the biggest moments coming in next week’s episode of the current “Public Property” blockbuster – titled “Freefall.”
1. Ngozi worries about Nicole
Nicole is still concerned that baby Nicholas is making Rosie sick, but Ngozi sees that Rosie is fine and is concerned about her friend’s safety. Nicole doesn’t react well and tells Ngozi that if she doesn’t give her the space she needs, their relationship won’t work.
As Nicole continues her shift, she encounters treating a patient at Rhesus. She is working under pressure with the team monitoring her, but she was able to successfully stabilize the patient.
2. Indy faces uncertainty
Indy is struggling for money She hasn’t paid her rent, so she faces losing her grandmother’s house if she doesn’t pay soon. She also has a difficult time at work, as she fails to insert a cannula into a patient and Teddy is forced to take over. Later, Indy considers asking Jan for some shifts at the call handler to earn some extra cash. What will Jan say?
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3. Sofia has big news
Dylan gets a call from the policeWho asks him to come to the station for questioning about the death of Thea Bayliss – in the wake of Aaron’s article published in the newspaper. But that’s not the only surprise for Dylan, as he was stunned when it happened Sofia reveals that she is pregnant with his child.
He doesn’t have a chance to respond because he’s been turned away due to an urgent situation at work, but Dylan agrees to meet with Sofia later to discuss this news. Is he ready to become a father?
4. Nicole reaches her breaking point
Rosie is taken to hospital, and Ngozi discovers that she has contracted the disease because of the medicine Nicole gave her earlier. Nicole is shocked by what has happened and heads to the crowded emergency department. But this makes her worse, as the loud noise of the machines makes her disoriented and tries to turn off the equipment.
Then I went upstairs and took Nicholas from the ward. When Sofia, Siobhan and Nagozi discover that the child is missing, they enter into a race against time to locate them. What’s wrong with Nicole, and are she and Nicholas in danger?
5. Faith helps a friend
When Faith notices her friend Astrid being treated in the emergency department again, she feels guilty and apologizes for not giving her the support she needed before. Astrid complains about how much pain she’s in and asks Faith to get her stronger medication, and despite her understandable hesitation, she agrees.
Later, Faith finds Astrid outside her house and ends up offering her a place to stay. What are Astrid’s motives, and what has Faith been involved in?
infection It airs on Saturday nights on BBC One and is now broadcast first on BBC iPlayer, with episodes released at 6am on the day of transmission.
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