India is a land that accepts everyone. Humans, the Great Wise, Spiritual Teachers, Cows, Monkery, and Even Lizbing! There are no leaps and limits when it comes to acceptance in India, and from the worship of the album, to the evil belief that people have about black cats, one can witness everything.
On the same land, we have monkeys, and they are believed to be friends and “spy” for Roses Hanuman and a beloved part of “Sina” or his army. In India, monkeys are alike. When a monkey appears in the Temple of Lord Ram, it is worshiped and respected, but when the monkey itself tries to enter the homes, it meets screaming and crying.
But recently, a new debate – the nature of monkeys appeared in the land of Audia and Ferndavan.
Frendavan land
Vrindavan, Land of Lord Krishna, is loved by the worshipers around the world. The land of Mrathma Fernandavan sees that Krishna is in interest every day, and from the Temple of Bank Bihari to the temple of Radha, the father, everything is respected by people. It is said that in Friendaan, Lord Krishna spent his childhood, played the flute, spent time with his brother and family, and “Ras Liels”. Vrindavan streets are always bright and beautiful, filled with an atmosphere of dedication, and “Hair Krishna” chants.
But one thing in Vrindavan is that worshipers feel terrifying from monkeys!

Vrindavan monkeys
Friendavan monkeys had a smart, harmful, completely and not afraid reputation, and do the most terrifying things for humans. When you walk in VRINDAVAN, you are not alone! Why? Because there is always a monkey awaiting the extraction of something from your hands, or even your face!

They jump and run among the temples, in small corridors, and even next to stores and fruit sellers, waiting to let you down, and extract something from your hand, and after that they will not return them until they give them something in return.
They can extract your phone, glasses, rscad box, or anything else, and it will return it when it provides them with juice or anything else in return.
Nature talks about it
Recently, many videos are online tours on how Vrindavan monkeys It has the nature and spirit of Lord Krishna in it. The land that raised Lord Krishna and witnessed Liels, is also the land that feeds the monkeys of the region, riotous, is full of harm, and always be next to you. Just like Lord Krishna steals “Makhan” from the Maa Yashoda kitchen, these monkeys steal anything they can get.
Iwdia land

Then comes the land of Audia, from Maria Poroshotam Lord Ram. The land of the righteous king, the son, the husband and the heir. In Ayodia, Lord Ram was born, spent his childhood, forced Fanfa, and returned to judge his people who were waiting for him for years. Whether it is the war in Lanka or the Shiri Ram Temple in Ayodia today, it is the land of dedication and good and spiritual actions.
Unlike skilled and harmful energy for Vrindavan, Ayodhya has a sense of peace and stability.
Ayodia monkeys
And now about monkeys, people say that Ayodia monkeys Totally reflects those from Vrindavan in nature. Although they are two animals, the same type, there is something in their behavior very different. They do not cause chaos, and they will not kidnap things from your hands, and you will not seek things in return!
People believe that these monkeys are “Vannar Cena” for Roses Hanuman, and to protect Lord Ram with their dedication.
The comparisons draw people
Lord Ram and Lord Krishna are both Avatar of Roses Vishnu. But in its nature is different. As a small child, Lord Krishna was hinting and playing in it, and alternating between his duties as “Jobal”, and his duty is Ke, and of course a young boy with a ton of energy and playing in it.

Ayodia and Friendavan (created image with Bingai)
The RAM on the other hand has been described forever as the ideal boy, from childhood to adulthood, which was scheduled to be a king and a ruling of love, fairness and mercy.
Thus, people believe that Vrindavan monkeys embody the features of Krishna Little, and that Audia’s monkeys protect Lord Ram and serve his service just like Lord Hanuman.
Could this be true?
Well, the answer to this question cannot be the same! For believers, nothing but this interpretation is correct, and for the skeptics, this is just the constantly changing monkeys behavior. While some people may say that monkeys, as pure beings, take the energy of Little Krishna and the harm of harm, others say that in their nature now is to extract something and then ask for food in return. Ayodia’s monkeys are less certain that they get food automatically instead of having to roam the search.
Thus, whether it is a coincidence or a divine play, the contrast between these two definitely adds more mystery to India.